Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

5 Ponsel Android Tahan Banting

Ponsel dengan sistem operasi Android bertebaran di pasaran. Banyaknya vendor yang mengusung OS buatan Google tersebut membuat mereka berupaya membuat inovasi tersendiri dengan meluncurkan beragam jenis handset, termasuk yang tahan banting.

Ya, beberapa vendor punya ponsel Android yang didesain tahan berbagai kondisi ekstrem, seperti kelembapan, terjatuh bahkan dicemplungkan ke dalam air. Target pasarnya tentu saja mereka yang gemar akan kegiatan luar ruangan atau petualangan.

Selain tahan banting, fiturnya pun tidak terlalu mengecewakan karena sudah masuk kategori ponsel pintar ala Android. Berikut beberapa handset Android tahan banting yang cukup canggih kemampuannya:

Samsung Galaxy Xcover

 Berbekal sertifikasi IP67, handset ini dirancang tahan terhadap terjangan air, debu dan bantingan. Di dalam air, Galaxy Xcover dapat bertahan hidup sekitar 30 menit. Memakai Android Gingerbread, Xcover punya layar 3,65 inch Gorilla Glass, prosesor 800 MHz, kamera 3,2 megapixel lengkap dengan lampu Flash. 


Motorola Defy+

 Handset ini juga dibekali sertifikasi IP67. Artinya bisa bertahan dalam kondisi ekstrim seperti tercebur, terbanting, tergores atau dibanjiri debu. Layarnya berteknologi Gorilla Glass untuk memperkuat ketahanan Defy+. Terdapat juga aplikasi pre-loaded bernama CardioTrainer untuk menganalisis kegiatan berbau fisik penggunanya. Spesifikasinya cukup mumpuni dengan prosesor 1GHz, kamera 5MP dan layar 3,7 inch resolusi tinggi.

Sony Ericsson Xperia Active

 Xperia Active diklaim tahan air sampai kedalaman 1 meter dalam kurun waktu setengah jam dan juga tahan debu. Menjalankan Android Gingerbread, Xperia Active memiliki fitur wet finger tracking untuk memastikan ponsel tetap dapat dioperasikan dengan baik meski jari tangan pengguna berkeringat. Fitur di Xperia Active di antaranya prosesor 1GHz, layar 3 inch HVGA Reality Display, GPS, barometer, compass, pengukur denyut jantung, wrist strap, Facebook inside Xperia, dan kamera 5MP dengan kemampuan rekam video HD.


Caterpillar CAT B10

 Caterpillar, perusahaan yang dikenal berkecimpung di industri konstruksi turut merilis Android tangguh. Dinamakan CAT B10, ponsel ini juga memiliki sertifikasi IP67 yang membuatnya didesain tahan debu dan air. Ditinggal di kedalaman air 1 meter selama 30 menit, CAT B10 tidak akan mengalami kerusakan. Spesifikasinya cukup memadai seperti prosesor 800 MHz, kamera 5MP dan Android Gingerbread yang dijanjikan dapat diupgrade ke Ice Cream Sandwich.

Casio G'zOne Commando

 Melihat wujudnya saja, sudah terpancar ketangguhan Casio G'zOne Commando ini. Ya, Casio Commando dijamin jadi teman setia bagi mereka yang gemar akan kegiatan outdoor atau petualangan di alam liar. Ia dirancang memenuhi standar Military Standard 810G. Tak heran jika Casio Commando bakal bertahan menghadapi kondisi ekstrim sekalipun. Dicelupkan dalam air, diterjang hujan, dibenturkan, terkena debu ataupun kelembapan, Comando siap menghadapinya.


Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

7 FAktoR yANg mEmpENgAruhi KuALitAs gAmbAR pAdA pHONseL kAmeRA

Apakah Anda termasuk orang yang suka memotret memakai sebuah kamera? Jika iya, tentunya Anda lebih memilih menggunakan ponsel yang dilengkapi dengan built in kamera berkualitas tinggi. Contoh ponsel yang bisa Anda pilih adalah iPhone 4S, Nokia Lumia 900, atau ponsel kamera lain yang memiliki kamera berkualitas tinggi.
Namun, untuk memilih sebuah ponsel kamera yang mampu menghasilkan gambar berkualitas tinggi harus memperhatikan beberapa hal. Terlebih ponsel kamera yang kini beredar di pasaran tidak memiliki kualitas yang sama dan bahkan cenderung memiliki kualitas yang berbeda antar ponselnya. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang bisa mempengarui sebuah foto hasil jepret-an menggunakan ponsel kamera. Apa saja itu? Simak review berikut ini.
Promosi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan produsen ponsel kamera sungguh berhasil berkaitan dengan hal yang satu ini. Masyarakat terkesan yakin bahwa semakin tinggi megapiksel sebuah kamera, maka kualitas gambar juga akan semakin bagus . Namun, seberapa besarkah ukuran sebuah gambar yang dapat dicetak dari ponsel dengan tanpa mengurangi kualitas?
Sebagai contoh, jika terdapat sebuah ponsel yang memiliki kamera 2MP dan mampu mencetak gambar berukuran 6 x 4 inci dengan 300ppi. Ponsel pintar modern banyak yang menggunakan kamera 8MP dan kualitas di atasnya. Kebanyakan kamera tersebut mampu menghasilkan gambar berukuran 8 x 11 inci dengan 300ppi. Jadi, ukuran megapiksel sebuah kamera tak selalu menghadirkan kualitas gambar yang lebih baik. Dengan asumsi di atas, maka dua buah ponsel dengan kamera 2MP dan 8MP memiliki kualitas yang sama.
2.Image Sensor
Faktor ini adalah hal yang paling krusial pada sebuah ponsel kamera. Sensor gambar berfungsi untuk mengubah cahaya menjadi sinyal elektrik, sehingga hardware bisa memproses dan mencetak foto digital.
Terdapat beberapa jenis sensor yang kini banyak digunakan, mulai dari sensor yang memiliki backside illumination (BSI) atau sensor dengan bentuk fisik yang lebih besar. Untuk kasus sensor, semakin besar ukuran, belum tentu menjamin kualitasnya. Pun juga jika Anda membandingkan dua sensor yang memiliki ukuran sama. Belum tentu kedua sensor ini memiliki mutu yang setara.
Merek tak selalu menjamin kualitas. Terkenalnya sebuah merek tertentu bisa saja karena efek promosi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan. Sebuah optik yang berkualitas, akan memiliki tingkat kecacatan yang lebih sedikit pada gambar yang dihasilkan. Sayangnya, saat ini sangat sedikit optik berkualitas yang disajikan ke pasaran.
Apertur adalah istilah yang sering digunakan oleh para fotografer. Biasanya diwakili dengan huruf ‘F’ yang diikuti oleh nomor. Nomor tersebut merepresentasikan lebar dari lubang tempat masuknya cahaya ke optik. Semakin lebar apertur, maka semakin banyak pula cahaya yang masuk ke sensor, begitu pula sebaliknya. Sebuah kamera dengan apertur kecil, memungkinkannya untuk dapat digunakan dalam kondisi yang minim cahaya.
5.Dual LED vs Xenon flash
Pencahayaan adalah hal penting untuk sebuah kamera. Jika berada di lingkungan yang gelap, maka akan dibutuhkan cahaya yang cukup agar gambar berkualitas. Hampir sebagian besar ponsel kamera yang beredar di pasaran memiliki LED flash sebagai penerangan atau pencahayaan. Selain itu, terdapat pula alat lain yang bisa digunakan, yakni Xenon flash. Sayangnya, Xenon ini lebih boros energi, oleh karena itu Xenon jarang ditemui pada ponsel-ponsel sekarang.
6.Pengaturan Kamera
Kualitas sebuah gambar yang dihasilkan oleh ponsel kamera juga bergantung pada pengaturan yang Anda lakukan pada ponsel tersebut. Terdapat beberapa pengaturan yang bisa Anda atur. Antara lain adalah focus, color balance, exposure dan ISO speed. Untungnya, saat ini ponsel dengan kamera bermegapiksel besar yang beredar di pasaran mampu melakukan hal ini secara otomatis.
7.Prosesing Hardware dan Software
Spesifikasi hardware dan software atau dengan kata lain sistem operasi dan aplikasi yang digunakan juga turut berperan dalam memberikan kualitas gambar pada sebuah ponsel kamera. Kedua faktor ini lebih berperan pada pengontrolan shutter lag yang mengatur delay antar frame gambar.
Terakhir, faktor-faktor di atas tidak berdiri sendiri. Jadi, ketika Anda membeli sebuah ponsel kamera, maka Anda setidaknya harus memperhatikan semua faktor tersebut.

sumber :http://coolk45.blogdetik.com/2012/02/29/7-faktor-yang-mempengaruhi-kualitas-gambar-pada-phonsel-kamera/?query-string

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Pertama Kali ke Luar Negeri? Ikuti 6 Tips Ini

Berlibur ke luar negeri pasti memberikan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan, apalagi untuk Anda yang baru pertama kali mencobanya. Agar perjalanan terasa menyenangkan, coba ikuti 6 tips berikut ini.

Saat ini ada banyak alternatif liburan seru yang bisa Anda pilih. Beberapa penduduk Indonesia memilih luar negeri sebagai destinasi. Selain mencoba suasana baru, bepergian ke luar negeri juga menambah pengalaman travelling Anda. Nah, terkadang perjalanan ke luar negeri tidak selalu berjalan mulus karena persiapan yang belum matang, terutama untuk Anda yang baru pertama kali mencobanya. Agar perjalanan terasa menyenangkan, ikuti 6 tips berikut yang disusun detikTravel, Selasa (20/3/2012):

1. Cari informasi tentang negara bersangkutan

Hal pertama yang harus Anda lakukan adalah mencari informasi mengenai negara tujuan. Informasi tersebut antara lain kebiasaan penduduk, tradisi, juga budayanya. Dengan mengetahui kebiasaan penduduknya, Anda bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan. Selain itu, cari tahu juga lokasi wisata yang asyik untuk dikunjungi. Mencari letak hotel murah juga tak boleh dilewatkan. Melalui informasi yang didapat, Anda akan lebih siap melakukan perjalanan.

2. Siapkan paspor dan visa

Hal kedua yang harus dipersiapkan adalah paspor dan visa. Wajib hukumnya bagi tiap traveler untuk memiliki paspor saat akan berlibur ke luar negeri. Paspor ini sama pentingnya seperti KTP, yaitu sebagai kartu identitas. Nantinya, paspor akan diperiksa oleh petugas imigrasi bandara negara tujuan, dan identitas Anda akan dicatat. Beberapa negara ada yang memerlukan wisatawannya mengurus visa terlebih dahulu. Nah, jika Anda bepergian ke negara tersebut, jangan lupa untuk mengurus visa di kedutaan besar negara bersangkutan. Sebaiknya, urus visa dua bulan sebelum keberangkatan karena mendapatkannya tak selalu mudah.

3. Cari tahu musim di negara bersangkutan

Setelah menentukan tanggal keberangkatan, cobalah untuk mencari tahu musim yang sedang dialami negara tujuan. Hal ini sangat penting terutama bagi Anda yang akan berlibur ke wilayah Eropa atau Amerika. Ini berfungsi untuk menyesuaikan pakaian dengan cuaca saat itu, karena dua wilayah tersebut memiliki 4 musim yang berbeda. Jangan sampai Anda membawa pakaian musim dingin di saat musim panas tiba.

4. Siapkan uang sesuai mata uang negara bersangkutan

Nah, uang adalah hal yang cukup penting dalam setiap perjalanan. Sebelum berangkat, tukarkan mata uang rupiah Anda dengan mata uang negara tujuan. Hindari menukar mata uang di negara tujuan. Biasanya, nilai mata uang negara Anda akan lebih murah.

5. Sabar menghadapi petugas imigrasi

Begitu tiba bandara, bersikap baik dan ramahlah kepada petugas imigrasi yang bertugas. Bersabarlah bila mereka memeriksa Anda dengan teliti dan banyak bertanya. Hal ini wajar dilakukan petugas imigrasi karena mereka akan memasukkan warga negara asing ke negaranya. Jadi, cobalah bersikap sabar dan bersahabatlah dengan petugas imigrasi. Jawablah pertanyaan seperlunya agar pemeriksaan berjalan cepat.

6. International travel charger

Bagi Anda yang akan bepergian dengan membawa barang elektronik, sebaiknya menyiapkan international travel charger. Jangan kira semua negara punya steker berlubang dua seperti di Indonesia. Di Australia misalnya, semua steker listrik punya lubang tiga. Tentunya Anda harus menyiapkan steker ini sebelum pergi, terutama ke luar negeri. Untuk memudahkannya, Anda bisa membeli International Travel Charger yang tersedia di berbagai toko peralatan listrik. Charger ini bisa dibongkar-pasang sesuai dengan lubang steker sehingga praktis untuk dibawa.


The Most Creative Russian School Yearbook

The idea of this creative high school graduation photo album belongs to the students of one Russian school. Somebody has really got the brains full of incredible and smart ideas!

source :  http://rina-brown.blogspot.in/2012/03/most-creative-russian-school-yearbook.html

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Treehouse Homes

Unique Nesting Places
Treehouses are no longer just for child’s play. While they still do serve as playhouses for lucky kids, they’ve taken on new functions as private home offices or studios, as elevated guest quarters, and as hotel accommodations, as well. Some are real houses that just happen to be located in trees.
Modern treehouses are also typically quite eco-friendly. They have traditionally been built using salvaged materials, and now designers and builders have taken it further with energy-efficient features, such as composting toilets, or utilizing solar panels and fuel-cell power.
In the slides that follow are treehouses located all over the world. They’re also all over the map in terms of style: Some are proper houses on high, but this collection also showcases the variety of uses for buildings in trees. One structure is intended as an office, one is a restaurant, one very big example is partly a church, and one house actually is for kids but will no doubt inspire envy in adults. Click ahead to see them all. 
Swiss Chalet
Location: The Olympic Peninsula, Washington
This small-scale charmer built in 2005 by Treehouse Workshop has a kitchenette, a bath, a sitting room with fireplace, balconies, and it sleeps four. It has a window seat accessible by ladder, and the house itself is accessible by ramp, which was built using salvaged Madrona logs.
Location: Lake Muskoka, Ontario, Canada
This Japanese lantern-style tree home was designed by Toronto architect Lukasz Kos in 2003 with a budget of $50,000 Canadian (about US$50,399). Only one steel cable is attached to each tree to ensure minimal impact. The 410-square-foot “balloon frame” structure rests upon two Douglas fir beams suspended from those steel cables.
The Minister’s Treehouse
Location: Crossville, Tennessee
This 10-story treehouse towers nearly 100 feet tall and has an estimated 8,000 to 10,000 square feet of space—it may be the largest treehouse in the world. That space includes the only penthouse for miles around, a basketball court, a church (including a choir loft), and a VIP balcony. Builder Horace Burgess told USA Today that his inspiration came from God: "I was praying one day, and the Lord said, 'If you build me a treehouse, I'll see you never run out of material."' Those materials have included recycled wood from sheds and bars, and judging by the size of this place he did not run out.
Horse Farm House
Location: Yelm, Washington
This 400-square-foot treehouse, another project created by Treehouse Workshop, is located on a horse farm overlooking a pond. It has a curved staircase leading up to an Art Nouveau-style door, and inside is room to sleep two. The home was built with repurposed fir lumber.
Treehouse Djuren
 Location: Germany
The Djuren is one of many extraordinary treepods designed by the German modern architecture firm Baumraum, many of which are trapezoidal, orb-shaped, or resemble vintage camp trailers. This treehouse serves as a retreat for adults or a playhouse for the family’s young children, and there’s room on the terrace for a table and some chairs.
High-Tech Hideaway
 Location: Athens, Greece
Some kids have all the luck, like the children of the client who asked luxury treehouse builders Blue Forest to build them a James Bond-style hideaway. The resulting super-secure tree fort features a state-of-the-art biometric security system, including fingerprint locks and a CCTV system. Why would children need a CCTV system? To monitor the five-color night-vision cameras covering the entrance to the treehouse, of course. Once that becomes tiresome, the Luckiest Kids in the World can heat up some hot dogs in the kitchenette and play some video games on the plasma TV.
Robert Louis Stevenson Legacy House
Location: Northern California 
This getaway cabin perched among redwoods, another creation from Treehouse Workshop, has a wraparound deck to take in the grove of surrounding trees. It’s located on property that once belonged to Robert Louis Stevenson, and the reclaimed materials for this home include doors and windows that came from the celebrated Scottish writer’s house.
Alnwick Garden Treehouse 
 Location: Alnwick, Northumberland, England
The Treehouse at The Alnwick Garden is one of the world’s largest treehouses, and it’s probably safe to say it’s the world’s largest treehouse restaurant. The restaurant serves a seasonal menu sourced from local fare. This patchwork wooden structure of shingles and planks features a fireplace, decks, rope bridges, and, of course, tree limbs growing through the rooms. It looks like something out of a fairy tale or Harry Potter, which is appropriate given its proximity to Alnwick Castle, which starred as the Hogwarts School in two of the Harry Potter films.
Treehouse Office

Location: Shropshire Countryside, England
This medieval-style aerial office, another project built by Blue Forest, features arched windows and doors, decks, a cedar-shingle roof, and a rustic hand-split oak shingle and cedar exterior. Inside is a kitchenette with mini-fridge and a lounging area. It’s fully lined with western red cedar, and features low-profile recessed halogen lighting and a beautiful oak floor. A climbing net and slide are outside for the grandkids. And lest we forget, this treehouse also functions as an office, equipped with broadband and phone lines.
Center Parcs

Location: Nottinghamshire, England
Three sustainably built treehouses were created in Sherwood Forest by Blue Forest. Each has four double bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms, a living area and kitchen, and a secondary treehouse “entertainment pod” with a home theater and pool table. On the deck are a hot tub, sauna, and a dining area.


Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

2 'Senjata' untuk Mencegah Perselingkuhan

Sesuai data dari Badan Peradilan Agama Mahkamah Agung (MA), perselingkuhan jadi penyebab perceraian nomor dua di Indonesia. Tentu Anda yang masih memiliki pernikahan bahagia tak mau hal serupa terjadi.

perselingkuhan suami sebenarnya bisa dicegah.  seorang suami akan selingkuh karena mereka tidak mendapatkan apa yang diinginkannya dari pernikahannya. Atau si pria tidak merasa cukup dengan apa yang sudah didapatkannya.

Kebanyakan pria selingkuh bukan karena kurang mendapatkan seks dari pasangannya. Pria selingkuh karena kurang mendapat perhatian dan penghargaan atau apresiasi dari pasangannya.

Lantas, apakah memang wanita tidak perlu memberikan perhatian pada kehidupan seksnya dengan suami? Tentu saja tidak. Kehidupan seks yang baik tetap penting untuk sebuah pernikahan bahagia.

Selain seks, ada dua senjata lainnya yang  bisa mencegah perselingkuhan. Apa itu?

1. Cegah Perselingkuhan dengan Perhatian
Perhatian di sini tentunya adalah perhatian yang sesungguhnya. Sapa suami saat dia baru pulang dari kantor. Berikan pelukan hangat di saat suami terlihat lelah. Jangan sibuk dengan BlackBerry atau iPhone atau televisi saat diajak bicara olehnya. Berikan tanggapan ketika memang diperlukan, jangan hanya sekadar mengangguk atau mengucapkan kata 'iya'.

Meski sepele terbukti bisa menutrisi cinta Anda dan suami. Jika dilakukan setiap hari, kasih sayang di antara pasangan akan semakin tumbuh.

2. Cegah Perselingkuhan dengan Penghargaan atau Apresiasi
 pria yang selingkuh dengan rekan kerjanya terjadi karena teman wanitanya tersebut sering memberinya pujian di hari-hari mereka bersama. Sementara Anda, para istri, bisa jadi mulai lupa melakukan hal tersebut karena disibukkan dengan berbagai hal seperti mengurus anak dan urusan rumah tangga.

Apresiasi di sini juga bukan hanya sekadar memberikan pujian atau mengucapkan terimakasih atas hal baik yang telah dilakukannya. Anda juga perlu mengatakan terimakasih pada apa yang memang sudah menjadi tugasnya dalam urusan rumah tangga, seperti membuang sampah, membantu mengurus anak atau mencuci piring. Apresiasi yang Anda berikan itu membuatnya lebih semangat untuk melakukan pekerjaannya, hobinya dan cita-citanya.

Apresiasi juga mengingatkan suami hal-hal apa yang membuat Anda jatuh cinta padanya, misalnya senyumannya, humornya, kasih sayangnya pada anak- anak. Apresiasi pun membuat pria tahu kalau Anda memang memperhatikan apa yang dikerjakannya. Mudah bukan untuk melakukan semua itu?

Mengenal Lebih Dekat Kumbang 'Tomcat'

Kumbang Tomcat yang akhir-akhir ini menjadi pemberitaan karena dikabarkan menyerang beberapa wilayah di Jawa Timur nampaknya harus kita kenali lebih dalam.
Serangga Tomcat di Indonesia banyak dikenal sebagai 'Semut Semai' atau 'Kumbang Rove'. Serangga 'Tomcat' biasanya berada di pohon bakau atau mangrove.
Tomcat juga masuk ke dalam keluarga serangga kumbang Staphylinidae, yang terbagi menjadi empat jenis yakni Ocypus sp., Tachyporus Obtusus, Ocypus Olens dan Paederus Littoralis.
Tomcat memiliki warna tubuh kuning gelap bergaris hijau dan kepala gelap. Tubuhnya bersayap meski kadang-kadang merayap.
Meski kumbang Tomcat tidak menggigit atau menyengat, kumbang itu dapat mengeluarkan toksin atau racun bila bersentuhan dengan kulit manusia secara langsung.
Racun yang terkandung dalam serangga ini dikenali sebagai ‘aederin’: (C24 H43 O9). Cairan ini disinyalir 12 kali lebih mematikan dari bisa ular kobra.
Namun racun itu bisa mencemar secara tidak langsung bila manusia bersentuhan dengan baju, atau benda lain yang terkena.
Racun yang dikeluarkan bisa menyebabkan iritasi. Gejala baru muncul dalam waktu 12-36 jam. Dan iritasi dapat berlangsung dari dua sampai tiga pekan.
Bersentuhan dengan kumbang ini, menghancurkannya pada bagian badan atau mengosoknya dengan jari yang kotor akan menyebabkan konjunktivitis dan penyakit kulit yang dikenal dengan herpes, dermatitis linearis, dan aederus dermatitis.
Tomcat senang berada di tempat yang terang penuh cahaya, sehingga sebaiknya hindari berada terlalu dekat dengan cahaya lampu atau minimalkan penggunaan cahaya dekat pintu dan jendela.

The Titanic as you've never seen it before

Not the same view: On the left, the small holes that once were windows are now decaying in place,
The first complete views of the legendary wreck: As the starboard profile shows, the Titanic buckled as it plowed nose-first into the seabed, leaving the forward hull buried deep in mud—obscuring, possibly forever, the mortal wounds inflicted by the iceberg

The sinking of the Titanic is one of the 20th century's great dramas, a mystery that has confounded scientists and historians for decades.
There is still an aura of mysticism that remains around that fateful ship and new photos that will be published in the April 2012 edition of National Geographic Magazine provides for the first time a sense of what the wreck looks like today.
These new photographs, shot using state-of-the-art technology by independent research group Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, provide a greater understanding of what happened on that fateful April 15, 1912.

These photos are the by-product of a multi-million dollar, two-month expedition that used a number of different approaches to get never-before-seen views of the wrecked ship.
For much of August and September 2010, explorers from the Woods Hole Oceanic Institution used robotic vehicles to collect images during programmed sweeps of the surrounding areas.

Side-scan and multibeam sonar was used to store the minute details of the ship and to evaluate what has changed since previous exploratory expeditions.
During these sweeps, the robots stored 'ribbons' of data, with the products of the repeated attempts then collected together and observed as a whole unit.
titanic 3
The first complete views of the legendary wreck: Titanic’s battered stern is captured overhead here. Making sense of this tangle of metal presents endless challenges to experts. Says one, 'If you’re going to interpret this stuff, you gotta love Picasso.'

The process, which is referred to as 'mowing the lawn', worked over the entire area of the ship and the surrounding seabed.
In total, the area in question measures three miles by five miles.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has been studying the wreck for decades, and one of their lead archaeologists spoke to The National Geographic to explain the significance of the technology used to capture these images.
'This is a game-changer,' James Delgado told the magazine.
'In the past, trying to understand Titanic was like trying to understand Manhattan at midnight in a rainstorm—with a flashlight.
'Now we have a site that can be understood and measured, with definite things to tell us. In years to come this historic map may give voice to those people who were silenced, seemingly forever, when the cold water closed over them.'
The Titanic wreck has been one of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's most significant projects, with one of the groups' members having been a part of the original exhibition that discovered it back in 1985.
The discovery of the wreck, by WHOI, sparked an international interest in deep sea exploration.
Ethereal views of Titanic's bow (modeled) offer a comprehensiveness of detail never seen before.

Towed sled vehicles were created to explore the sea floor. Now robotic vehicles controlled remotely and either connected to the main expedition vehicle by a tether or completely autonomous are used to gather information very close to the ship and even inside it
The stunning photos: The first-ever views of the complete remains of the ship in full profile can be found in the April 2012 edition of National Geographic Magazine
The stunning photos: The first-ever views of the complete remains of the ship in full profile can be found in the April 2012 edition of National Geographic Magazine

What is truly original about the latest batch of photographs from the site is that it allows interested viewers to gain a better contextualized understanding of where the different pieces of the wreck come in together, which piece was once part of another.
The side views of the two main parts of the ship are particularly telling because the images speak volumes about the speed at which they crashed into the ocean floor.
The bow, or the front half of the ship, was the first to fall into the ocean depths. After being pierced repeatedly by the edge of the iceberg- some holes of which are still visible today in the top photo- the bow then plummeted to the ocean floor.
Because the front of the ship was designed to have a shape that allowed for smooth sea travel, the bow streamed nose first into the bed of the ocean.
That was not the case for the stern, or back end, of the ship.
Since the Titanic had snapped in half, the lower portion of the stern was the breaking point and water filled the ship from there.
What that meant was that when the stern proceeded to sink to the ocean floor, that descent was much more dramatic. Entire floors collapsed, water smashed the internal structure of the ship as it descended at a rapid pace.
The fast speed and incomparable power of the water essentially had a 'corkscrew' effect on the ship as it mangled the steel so that it no longer even looks like the ship it once was. 
Immortalized in films and brought to life with exhibits throughout the world featuring artefacts from the cabins that now lay 12,415 feet below sea level, the ship is undoubtedly one of the most famous in history.
The story of the disaster is well known: the ship left Southampton, England on its maiden voyage bound for New York.
With the intention of providing the world's wealthy with an opulent trip, there were black tie dinners in the formal dining room, strolls along the promenade, and health treatments in the extravagant Turkish baths.
In spite of the spoils that the ships' creators spent on the decoration within, the technology was not effective enough at the time to avoid an iceberg.
The 'unsinkable' ship: At the time of the launch, the ship was touted as a groundbreaking creation
The 'unsinkable' ship: At the time of the launch, the ship was touted as a groundbreaking creation

Though one of the lookouts spotted the iceberg and alerted the officer on duty, the ship was too large to turn and fully avoid the crash.
The iceberg skidded along the starboard side of the ship, damaging it repeatedly and poking fatal holes below the waterline of the ship.
If it had crashed head on, experts believe the ship would have survived.

But because of the length of the damage, and the fact that it was spread over so much of the starboard side of the ship, there was little that could be done to prevent it from sinking.
Mapping out the wreck: The ship was four days into its journey from Southampton to New York when it sunk in the middle of the night on April 14, 1912
Mapping out the wreck: The ship was four days into its journey from Southampton to New York when it sunk in the middle of the night on April 14, 1912

Five of the ships' 16 watertight compartments were exposed from the crash and that proved too heavy a ratio.
An agonizing 2 hours and 40 minutes followed with mass hysteria and confusion as engineers tried to comprehend what was going on and as passengers tried to board the lifeboats.
Though legally required to carry fewer lifeboats than they did, the lifeboats that were stored on the Titanic could still only fit about half of the total number of people on board. More problems arose because, during the chaos, some lifeboats left the ship partly filled, adding to the number of fatalities.
Immediately following the crash, major changes were made in the regulation of lifeboats on ships and that remains one of the lasting legacies of the crash.

Director James Cameron, who has long had a personal interest in the ship, has been involved in 33 exploration trips down to the wreck since it was rediscovered in 1985.
A series of technologically precise recreations and models have shown that as the starboard side filled with water, it continued to spread to the front of the ship began to sink.

This motion brought the stern, or the back of the ship, up in the air, to the extent that the propeller was fully visible.
Understanding: In contrast to the previous photo, the photo above shows sonar imagery of the front of the ship which sunk first
Understanding: In contrast to the previous photo, the photo above shows sonar imagery of the front of the ship which sunk first

Split in two: The starboard side of the front of the ship sustained multiple holes and five of the 16 watershed compartments were exposed by the crash with the iceberg, causing it to sink front-first
Split in two: The starboard side of the front of the ship sustained multiple holes and five of the 16 watershed compartments were exposed by the crash with the iceberg, causing it to sink front-first

Once fully raised, the ship broke in two, with the front plowing dramatically down into the ocean and landing with such a thud that it caused visible changes in the bottom of the sea.
After dropping back to the water, the stern also filled with water but rather than copy the front half, it twisted and the steel mangled, essentially corkscrewing the ship as it sank to the bottom.
Photos of the wreck, now in its permanent resting place two miles below sea level, show the deterioration of the once magnificent ship.
As the days count down to the 100th anniversary of the ship's departure, on April 10, and sinking, on April 15, many of the details of the myth surrounding the historic ship will be relived by those who were born generations in its wake.

Racun Tomcat Lebih Ganas daripada Kobra

Serangga tomcat memang sedang hangat diperbincangkan. Bukan lantaran datang tiba-tiba dan menyerang sebuah pemukinan elit di Surabaya, serangga ini diklaim bisa mengeluarkan racun berbahaya.

Tomcat termasuk golongan kumbang. Meski ia tidak menggigit atau menyengat, hewan satu ini perlu diwaspadai. Kumbang tersebut dapat mengeluarkan toksin atau racun bila bersentuhan dengan kulit manusia secara langsung.

Racun yang terkandung dalam serangga ini dikenali sebagai ‘aederin’: (C24 H43 O9 N) dinamakan dalam tahun 1953. Cairan ini disinyalir 12 kali lebih mematikan dari bisa ular kobra.

Namun racun itu bisa mencemar secara tidak langsung bila manusia bersentuhan dengan baju, atau benda lain yang terkena. Racun yang dikeluarkan bisa menyebabkan iritasi. Gejala baru muncul dalam waktu 12-36 jam. Dan iritasi dapat berlangsung dari dua sampai tiga pekan.

Itu sebabnya, jika sudah terkena dermatitis otomatis seperti seprei dan uba rampe-nya, handuk maupun alat-alat yang disinyalir terkena racun tomcat harus dibersihkan.

Bersentuhan dengan kumbang ini saat merayap atau tidur, menghancurkannya pada badan atau mengosok dengan jari yang kotor akan menyebabkan konjunktivitis dan penyakit kulit yang dikenal dengan herpes, dermatitis linearis, dan aederus dermatitis.

Pencegahan dan Pengobatan

Tomcat sangat senang bila berada di tempat yang terang penuh cahaya, sehingga sebaiknya hindari berada terlalu dekat dengan cahaya lampu atau minimalkan penggunaan cahaya dekat pintu dan jendela.

Gunakan jaring nyamuk atau semprot aerosol atau pestisida organik dari campuran laos, daun mimba, dan sereh untuk mematikan kumbang yang masuk.

Bila ada kumbang kanai yang hinggap di kulit, jangan mematikannya di tubuh, namun tiup hingga pergi.

Jika kulit mengalami kontak dengan serangga ini, timbul sensasi terbakar yang kemudian menjadi kemerahan disertai munculnya nanah di bagian tengah dalam beberapa hari.

Segera cuci bagian yang terkena dengan air dan sabun. Jika terjadi reaksi kulit, cuci dengan antiseptik ringan pemanganate kalium dilusian (Kmn04) seperti hydrocortisone 1% dan krim steroid lemah misalnya betametasone dan antibiotik neomycin sulfat 5%.

Jangan menggaruk luka, karena racunnya bahkan dapat berpindah ke bagian lain kulit lewat cairan di luka. Namun, bila luka terjadi pada area mata dan selaput lendir, sebaiknya segera ke dokter.

Dengan pengobatan, umumnya luka akan membaik dalam 10 hari hingga tiga minggu tanpa menimbulkan bekas. Namun, luka dapat membekas jika melibatkan dermis.

Dokter juga menyarankan untuk menghindari sinar matahari agar tak terjadi inflamasi luka yang menyebabkan bekas kehitaman.

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Highest Grossing Fantasy Movies

On Friday, March 30, “Mirror, Mirror” will debut on movie screens across North America. The film is a live-action retelling of the “Snow White” legend, starring Julia Roberts as the wicked queen and newcomer Lily Collins as the fairest one of all. This movie should not be confused with "Snow White and the Huntsman," which stars Kristen Stewart of the “Twilight” saga and has a June 1 release date. The budget for “Mirror, Mirror” is less than $90

10. “Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief” (20th Century Fox, 2010)

 Domestic gross: $89 million
Adjusted for Inflation (2012): $93 million

“Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief” is a 2010 movie based on the 2005 book “The Lightning Thief.” The book is one of a series of five stories about a modern-day teenager who discovers  he’s the demigod son of Poseidon, the ancient Greek sea deity. The movie was directed by Chris Columbus, who helmed three of the “Harry Potter” films, and many critics compared it unfavorably to that franchise. U.S. audiences felt the same way, and the movie fell short of making back its $95 million production budget. It did much better in international markets though, so a sequel is currently scheduled for March 2013.

9. “The Scorpion King” (Universal Pictures, 2002)

 Domestic gross: $91 million
Adjusted for Inflation (2012): $115 million

1999’s “The Mummy” was based on the 1932 Boris Karloff movie of the same name, and its international box office take of almost $416 million made a sequel a foregone conclusion. That sequel, 2001’s “The Mummy Returns,” featured former professional wrestler Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in a supporting role as an undead warrior called the Scorpion King. It was even more successful than the original, so it spawned 2002’s “The Scorpion King,” which expanded Johnson’s small role to that of the main character.

The movie didn’t match the success of the “Mummy” films, and critics dismissed it as a substandard knock-off of “Conan the Barbarian.” It did well enough, however, to spawn the 2008 direct-to-DVD feature “The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior,” which is a prequel to the 2002 film, making it a prequel to a spin-off of a sequel to a remake.

8. “The Last Airbender” (Paramount Pictures, 2010)

Domestic Gross: $132 million
Adjusted for Inflation (2012): $137 million

“The Last Airbender” is a 2010 film directed by M. Night Shyamalan of “The Sixth Sense” fame. The movie is based on “Avatar: The Last Airbender,” an animated series that aired on the Nickelodeon network from 2005 to 2008. The movie is a big-budget, live-action martial arts adventure in 3D aimed at the ‘tween demographic.

The movie was eaten alive by critics, who hated it with the intensity of a thousand suns. One such critic was Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times, who called it “an agonizing experience in every category I can think of and others still waiting to be invented.” The film had a respectable domestic box office take of $132 million, but don’t expect a movie this universally loathed to spawn a sequel.

7. “Clash of the Titans” (Warner Bros. Pictures, 2010)

Domestic Gross: $163 million
Adjusted for Inflation (2012): $169 million

In 1981, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer released “Clash of the Titans,” an adaptation of the ancient Greek myth of Perseus. It featured such movie royalty as Laurence Olivier and Maggie Smith but, more important, it was the last movie made by legendary visual effects man Ray Harryhausen, whose stop-motion artistry graced such classics as “The 7th Voyage of Sinbad” and “Jason and the Argonauts.”

A 2010 remake rendered the story in 3D and used state-of-the-art digital effects. Critics didn’t particularly care for it, but it was popular enough with audiences to justify a sequel, “Wrath of the Titans,” which is scheduled to open in U.S. theaters on March 30.

6. “Thor” (Paramount Pictures, 2011)

Domestic Gross: $181 million
Adjusted for Inflation (2012): $182 million

The 2011 movie “Thor” is based on the Marvel Comic of the same name. The titular hammer-wielding Norse god is banished by Odin from the magical realm of Asgard, and he ends up in present-day New Mexico, where he does battle against his ne’er-do-well brother Loki.

The movie was directed by Kenneth Branagh, whose past directorial efforts included adaptations of Shakespeare, and it stars such Oscar-winning actors as Natalie Portman and Anthony Hopkins. But the main attractions here were action and 3D, which “Thor” provided enough of to bring it a respectable take at the U.S. box office.

5. “The Chronicles of Narnia” (franchise) (Walt Disney Pictures & 20th Century Fox, 2005-2010)

Average Inflation-Adjusted Domestic Gross Per Film (2012): $199 million

“The Chronicles of Narnia” is a series of children’s fantasy books written in the 1950s by C.S. Lewis. It’s been adapted several times for several different mediums, including television, radio and the stage, but it wasn’t until 2005’s “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” that it was brought to movie theaters.

The first film in the franchise grossed $292 million domestically, the equivalent of $339 million in 2012 dollars. However, subsequent films, such as 2008’s “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” and 2010’s “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader,” failed to replicate the success of the original, and plans to adapt the remaining four books in the series are currently on hold.

4. “Hook” (TriStar Pictures, 1991)

Domestic Gross: $120 million
Adjusted for Inflation (2012): $200 million

“Hook” is a 1991 sequel to “Peter Pan” directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Robin Williams as the adult Peter who, contrary to his earlier assertions, grew up. He has forgotten his entire childhood, including his adventures with Wendy, Tinkerbell and the Lost Boys, but when Captain Hook (Dustin Hoffman) kidnaps his children, he returns to Neverland to reclaim them from his manually challenged nemesis.

Despite its star power, “Hook” was poorly received by critics, but audiences responded enthusiastically and it did brisk business when it was released. It went on to become the highest-grossing pirate-themed movie ever made, until it was supplanted by the “Pirates of the Caribbean” franchise, which bumped it down to fifth place. 

3. “Harry Potter” (Franchise) (Warner Bros. Pictures, 2001-2011)

Average Inflation-Adjusted Domestic Gross Per Film (2012): $338 million

There can scarcely be a  person alive who doesn’t know about the “Harry Potter” film series. However, for the benefit of those who somehow don’t know about it, it’s a series of eight films based on the novels by J.K. Rowling about a teenaged wizard.

For a full decade the franchise reigned supreme at the box office. Unlike many films in the fantasy genre, the “Harry Potter” movies have all received high praise from critics, and from Rowling herself. The series ended in 2011 with “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.”

2. “Alice in Wonderland” (Walt Disney Pictures, 2010)

Domestic Gross: $334 million
Adjusted for Inflation (2012): $347 million

Lewis Carroll's 1865 novel “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” has been the subject of countless adaptations, including several television specials and theatrical films, the earliest of which was a silent movie released in 1903. Over 100 years later, the newest film version was released and it became one of the highest-grossing movies ever.

The 2010 “Alice in Wonderland” stars Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter and was directed by Tim Burton, whose flair for the fantastic has been on full display for decades in such films as “Edward Scissorhands” and the 2005 adaptation of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” The film was the second-highest-grossing movie of 2010, behind “Toy Story 3.”

1. “Lord of the Rings” (Franchise) (New Line Cinema, 2001-2003)

Average Inflation-Adjusted Domestic Gross Per Film (2012): $434 million

For years, filmmakers had attempted to bring J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic “Lord of the Rings” trilogy of books to movie screens. The effort was abandoned by numerous film studios, all of whom deemed it too costly to pull off, but in 1997 New Zealand’s Peter Jackson won the rights to direct the film, and New Line Cinema agreed to pay the bills.

It was a huge risk. All three films were shot simultaneously, with a budget of just under $100 million per installment, so if the public didn’t like the first one, the entire franchise would die a very slow, expensive and excruciating public death. Luckily, the films were hugely successful, and each one made more money than the one before it. It was such a success that Jackson has gone back to the Tolkien trough, and in December 2012, the first half of the two-part adaptation of “The Hobbit” is scheduled to be released, with the other half to be released one year later.

If you're interested in more dwarves, battle-axes and dark magic, then watch this extended first look at Snow White and The Huntsman.


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